new wine

I had plans to have it finished by now. Today exactly.

Three years ago on June 21, after a week of intentional prayer, I heard God tell me that this was what I was to focus on—the book He had given me.

It’s been a journey. There have been breaks taken. There have been rewrites written. There has even been a 6 week small group I held with some single ladies to go through the material. And I had a plan that today I would be finished.⠀⠀

But I am not. And I’ve come to realize that as difficult as it is to say—that it’s okay.

You see, this is not my book. This is God’s book. And He has promised that the good works He begins in us He will bring to completion. And so I entrust this gift He has entrusted to me right back into His capable and faithful hands. And I trust that God will bring this project to fruition in His perfect timing. And with motherhood only eight weeks away, I know He has some other work He wants to do in my life in this season.

I believe it’s no coincidence that today is the first day of summer. I believe that this is in fact a new season in my life. And these lyrics by Hillsong could not more accurately describe my heart’s cry right now:

“Make me a vessel
Make me an offering
Make me whatever You want me to be
I came here with nothing
but all you have given me
Jesus, bring new wine out of me.”

I believe that if I surrender it all—my life into His hands—that God will bring “new wine” out of me. And while it may not always look like how I might have planned for it to look, I know it will always be even better than I imagined.

This photo was taken on our one year anniversary at a vineyard we stayed at. We got married at a vineyard. And there’s this idea of planting that God has spoken over me in recent months. I know that planting requires patience. And that in order for God to yield ripe fruit in our lives that He can turn into something great we must often wait.⠀⠀

And so I wait for this dream to be realized. And I make my greater dream to be God’s vessel, to make my life an offering, each day. And so I lift up my hands with only the things He has given me, and I ask for Him to bring new wine out of me—in whatever way He makes possible and in whatever timing He ordains.

“In the soil I now surrender.
You are breaking new ground.”
Hillsong, New Wine

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