I pretty much spend as much time as possible on my roofdeck. During the day I’ll go up there with my laptop to write or read a script for an upcoming audition. Or I’ll have an impromptu Sunday night cookout with some good friends.
The view is really unfortunate.
A personal favorite rooftop gathering is “prayer and potluck” with the amazing women in my Bible study. Think wine, appetizers, and plenty of Mastro’s desserts. 12 girls. 12 forks. Game over.The view is really unfortunate.
Whether I’m working up there alone, or entertaining others, here are my rooftop essentials for every occasion:
- iPod player
- sunscreen
- extra sunglasses
- towels
- blankets
- extra sweatshirts
- paper towels
I found these chalkboard label baskets to keep on the landing by the roof at Target. That’s right… #targetdoesitagain. I love this chalkboard craze that’s happening right now – chalkboard picture frames, chalkboard jars, even chalkboard wine glasses.
The labels are clearly not necessary, but aren’t they cute?