I love music. It has been such an influential part of my life since I was young. I am always listening to music. I have a playlist for every mood. So I am constantly trying to find new bands I love. And I have just discovered a great one.
The coolest thing about this band is I happen to know them. (Well, that’s actually not the coolest thing, because they are way cooler than I am, but it’s cool to me nonetheless.) These two awesome guys also went to UT and were Young Life Leaders.
They are Kyle Jahnke and Andy Baxter. And together they are…

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” – C.S. Lewis

Penny and Sparrow are Andy Baxter and Kyle Jahnke, from the heart of Texas. Previously roommates, the duo makes music influenced by The Swell Season, Bon Iver, Mumford and Sons, and others. They also love musicals.
Love that tidbit at the end. These guys definitely have a great sense of humor. The words that come to mind to describe their music are folky, deep yet uplifting, and serious yet ironic. They have a truly unique sound, and dare I say the voices of angels?
Speaking of angels, both of these guys are strong believers and want to reach people through their music to come to know the Lord. They ended their set with the most beautiful acoustic version of Come Thou Fount I have ever heard. And there, in the middle of Hollywood, the walls of the Hotel Cafe echoed with the voices of dozens of fans singing along with those words:
“Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God; he, to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood… prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love; here’s my heart, Lord take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above.”

Needless to say, I bought both of the CDs they were selling at their show. (And a t-shirt – they are very soft.) You, too, can purchase their music at pennyandsparrow.com. But if you want a t-shirt, you’ll have to check out their tour dates and do yourself the grand favor of having Kyle and Andy serenade you live.