about me

Hey guys! I’m Meredith. I’m a writer and actress living in Los Angeles with my husband, Clay.

Version 2

I originally started this blog as a way for my family and friends to keep up with my west coast adventures of pursuing a career in acting.

I got to be a part of some pretty cool projects.

And then I began writing some of my own.


I got to be a part of an amazing team that created this short film, Riva, in just one week…

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And then God broadened my love for writing even further to write a book!

In the midst of motherhood, this assignment is taking longer than I’d anticipated. However, I believe in God’s perfect timing and can’t wait to see how this story within His Story unfolds.


Here you’ll find snippets of my journey – of struggles and triumphs, of physical pain and healing, of doubt and of hope, of singleness and marriage, and everything in between. I share it all–the messy parts, the beautiful parts, all of it–because as John Piper says,

“When people are involved in each other’s lives, more thanksgiving rises to God when any of them is blessed.” 

So welcome to my journey. Welcome to my life. Welcome to all that God is so graciously teaching me along the way.


I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist:

“No heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.”

While we are all itching to get to some great destination, I’m learning that it’s in the search where we often find what we are truly looking for. Sometimes the search leads us to encounter in ways we never have before the Writer of the greatest Story ever told and the Giver of all who makes possible a life that’s good.