Isn’t this what this world tells us: “Just go with the flow. Blend in. Don’t take a stand.”
“Stand still, look pretty.”
Especially here in LA, there is a mentality of “let’s all coexist, be peaceful, not speak out about what we believe… you serve your God, I’ll serve mine.”
But as followers of Christ, we are called to do the opposite. We are called to take a stand. To stand up. To speak out.

In Acts, Paul was traveling along the northeastern shores of the Mediterranean. This area was of particular value in preaching the gospel as it was a “melting pot” of sorts. Paul knew if he could successfully preach God’s Word here, the truth would spread back throughout the world.
Paul was a great and powerful preacher, charismatic to say the least. He brought many people to come to know the Lord. So many loved to hear him preach. But as with any great success in life, you will face great trails and opposition as well.
Paul called the people in Ephesus to discontinue their worship of idols. Now, the craftsmen who made their living creating said idols were not happy about this man preaching such “blasphemy” that “man-made gods are no gods at all” (Acts 19:26). The idol-makers shouted out to the people, “you ought to be quiet and not do anything rash.” (Acts. 19:36).
Isn’t that exactly what we are told still today? Thousands of years later?
Just like these men in Paul’s day who created idols, the “idol-makers” of our world today tell us to “be quiet and not do anything rash.”
But God calls us to be bold, to spread his truth, without reservation and without hesitation. We are called to be light in this world full of darkness. We are called to spread the good news of hope in this world so full of despair.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” – 1 Peter 2:9
Let’s not “be quiet.” Let’s not “not do anything rash.”
Let’s meet our fellow brothers and sisters right where they are – just as Christ meets every one of us right where we are. But let’s be loud. And let’s do rash things for His sake.
Let’s be radical in our faith, radical in our commitment to follow Jesus, radical in the spreading of the good news of the great hope we have through our salvation made possible through His great grace.
Let’s stand up. Let’s speak out. After all… if we don’t, who will?