“You’re about to take off,” I heard God tell me on January 14, 2015. I thought it had to do with my acting career. I had an audition later that day after all. But as I look back I can see clearly it was about a different path for my life. It was about Clay.
Shortly thereafter we began dating. It was a whirlwind. Seven months of dating and a six month engagement. Married now three years this month, we are expecting our little rainbow baby in August.
I originally moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting. Then God developed my love for writing. And with a passion to create quality content in the entertainment industry, I felt like I was finally finding my niche. And then He really shook things up when He called me to begin writing my first book.
Throughout my journey I’ve gotten to be a part of some pretty neat projects, and Clay and I have even daydreamed about making our own movie one day. But this… this will truly be our greatest production—creating this life, becoming parents, and getting to guide our daughter through life in God’s great Love Story.
As with any production, there will be a lot of work involved, money spent, and a crew of individuals who help to make it happen. And honestly, I can’t wait. I know it will be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it will hands down be the very best thing I’ve ever done.
I’m so grateful the Lord has seen fit to entrust us to help raise this little life. And I pray already that one day she finds her niche in passionate pursuit of bringing God’s Kingdom into this world.
Thank you to my sister friend, Jecca, for this sweet gift. I honestly can’t believe in mere months little Baby Collier will be wearing it!
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Photo: Apple Rose Photography