a letter to the mamas
To the mom-to-be, the one with a hopeful mama heart.⠀
At the beginning of the journey.⠀
To the mama with babies in Heaven.⠀
At the stop along the journey that no one wants to make.⠀
To the expectant mama.⠀
At this part of the journey marked by anticipation and preparation.⠀
To the new mama.⠀
Navigating your new role, coming to terms with your limitations, fighting for your priorities, working to find a new balance, a new rhythm, accepting and enjoying your new reality. With sweet little hands and feet now on this journey with you.⠀
And to the mamas who raised us.⠀
A little further down the road on the journey, trusting God with your babies, doing the delicate dance of letting go while holding on.⠀
You’re doing great.⠀
He’s holding you. And them.⠀
He’s the Giver of the gifts.⠀
And He’s the Overcomer of the struggles.⠀
Remember His promise of John 16:33–that though we have trouble in this world, we can take heart, because He has overcome the world.⠀
Breathe, rest, and delight in this portion of your journey—gifts and struggles and all. Today and every day.⠀
But especially today.⠀
Happy Mother’s Day.