Tagged: light

all who hurt with nothing left

This morning I woke up with – or rather, was woken up by – an intense pain across every inch of my stomach. I have felt this before. But it has never been quite...

are you at the end of your rope?

Have you ever felt as if you were hanging on by a thread? At the end of your rope? Have you felt as if today were just too much to face, not to mention...

are you afraid of the light?

There used to be a show on Nickelodeon growing up called, “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” While I was not afraid of the dark, I was afraid of that show.  I think in our...

are you headed for a crash?

Picture this: you’re on a ship. You’re caught in a violent storm. You haven’t seen sunlight in days. You have thrown your cargo overboard. You have given up all hope of being saved. Then...

the pain of a heartbreak.

“Woke up this morning, and I heard the news. I know the pain of a heartbreak.” – Ben Rector, When a Heart Breaks Heartbreak. The first thing you probably think of when you hear...

light of the world

I think back to what the earth must have been like, before we took over. I think back to Adam & Eve, the first to walk this earth – ground untouched, air unpolluted, sin...

without light there is no color

I went to the San Diego zoo yesterday. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, so I snatched up a couple of Living Social discounts, snatched up a girlfriend of mine, and we headed straight...