Tagged: pregnancy after loss

our rainbow baby

I began writing this post months ago… . . . Ours is a small flicker of reflection of the greatest Redemption Story ever told. I love that I continue to find myself within the...

what beautiful things I’ve seen

It is the song that plays through our engagement video. And it’s the song that’s been running through my head lately as I revel in life with this little miracle.⠀ 10 weeks: The day...

What do we do with broken dreams?

My entire life I dreamt of being pregnant… ever since I was a little girl. This pregnancy has been a true gift from God. But in many ways this pregnancy has been a broken...

a messy overlap

“Even though I was only a few weeks pregnant, that baby was as real to me as any baby I had ever seen. Any woman who has been pregnant knows what I’m talking about...