Tagged: truth

mirror, mirror

“Mirror mirror. Mirror on the wall. Tellin’ those lies. Pointin’ out your flaws. That isn’t who you are…” These words For King and Country sing couldn’t be more true for where I once was...

never be daunted: from dreaming to reality

What does it take to turn your dreams into reality? To make your vision into actuality? There are so many dreams that run through the streets of my mind – both when I’m awake...

who am I?

You are God; I am your child. You are love; I am loved. You are mighty; I am cared for. You are all powerful; I am protected. You are sovereign; I am in your...

Victoria Osteen’s “heresy”

I was shocked to see this video.  I could not believe someone in such a position of “power and authority” over a church could be saying something so blasphemous. Some have called it “heresy.”...