Almost five years ago I was interning with an advertising agency in Dallas. I got to attend a commercial shoot where I saw a couple of young actors basically getting paid to sit there. It didn’t take me long to think, “How do I do that?!”
Well, lo and behold, now I am living in LA and just booked my first commercial here for KFC!

Set your mind on something, and go out there and get it. It’s that easy, right? Ha. Unfortunately not.
While there’s so much I can’t control as an actress, and while there’s so much you probably can’t control in your own life/profession, I am a firm believer in following your heart and pursuing your dreams. And not letting anyone tell you that you can’t do it, that it’s too hard, or that the odds are slim to none.
The odds may be slim to none. The odds were slim to none that I would book this commercial, much less get the audition. And hey, somehow, it happened!
I’ve spent years shedding blood, sweat, and tears and pounding the pavement, all the while wondering if I am crazy to be pursuing this career. But this year, graciously, I have finally started to see some return on this investment.
But as I said, it hasn’t been an easy road. And I don’t think it will be easy as I continue down this path. But that’s all I can do… continue down this path – the path down which I believe the Lord is leading me.
Yesterday was Easter Sunday. I was thinking of all Christ did for us, of all He gave – He sacrificed Himself… for us! Why do we doubt that He wants the very best for us?
The Easter story is one of great sadness and pain, intense struggle and heartbreak. But our pastor said something so profound and true:
“This is a story of hope. Yet there is suffering and death right in the middle of it.”
Our lives, too, are full of pain and heartbreak, trails and suffering… Yet our lives are a story of hope!
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
This world is fleeting. It won’t bring us joy. It might bring temporal happiness. But the “treasures” of this earth will fade.
My prayer is that I will not get caught up in the things of this earth. It might seem ironic that I have chosen to be an actress – which sort of seems like a career that chases the things of this world the most… in a town that certainly does. But I believe the Lord has put me here for a reason. He is slowly but surely reassuring me that I am in the right place by these small bits of success. And for that I am grateful.
And should I be blessed with great worldly success one day, I hope to only make the Lord’s name more famous because of it. He must become greater, and I must become less. (John 3:30)
Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. – Psalm 115:1