I’ve felt like that with my career lately. Pursuing an acting career is often like being in a sailboat – stuck in the middle of the ocean. Nothing but deep waters on every side. No momentum to keep you going. No one to direct your path.
It can feel so confusing. I can feel so lost. I can even feel hopeless in those greatest moments of uncertainty.
Maybe the “home” you’re trying to get to is a destination in your career. Maybe it’s to find a relationship. Maybe it’s to have a child or see healing brought to a loved one or a million other longings of your heart.
Maybe you feel you’ve been out in the waves, hoping and praying. Maybe it feels God has brought you out into the waters and left you. With no light to point you to the horizon. With no wind to help you sail to shore.<
But maybe, just maybe… I had this crazy thought:
Maybe we don’t need the sailboat.

“‘Come,’ he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”
Maybe it’s not such a crazy thought after all. After all, Peter did it.
Sometimes when we don’t see a way, God opens our eyes and expands our horizon to show us an even greater alternative, a way in the dark, a path we never saw coming. Sometimes He wants to show us that all we need is within us… because He is within us. All we need is a little faith.
Maybe we just need to put our faith into motion… and step out into the ocean. Do you believe He will bring you safely to shore?
“And I don’t really care if nobody else believes, cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me.”