the chase

I felt like I was always chasing guys. And eventually I got tired. I wanted a man to chase me—to pursue me and to choose me.

It took some time, and it was a twisted path to get to him, but I finally found one who chases me.

Clay chased me slowly then. And he chases after me now.
He chased me slowly then. And he chases me faithfully now.

In the midst of my darkest moments, greatest trails, and overwhelming doubts, this man gets right up in my face and with the most kind and loving eyes tells me that he loves me, that he chooses me today and always, and that he is not going anywhere.

He chases me still. With a persistent love that can only come from his love for Christ. (Because let’s be honest, I’m not always that lovable or chase-worthy.)

Ladies, wait for a man who chases you—who pursues you the way you deserve to be pursued: with intentionality and respect, and in a way that fights for your purity.

Remember: he who chases you now, slowly and with the heart of Jesus, will chase you faithfully for the rest of your life—through all the ups and downs, the joys and trials, the most difficult of seasons and  the ones where the sun is shining down in all its glory.

Stop chasing after boys who don’t deserve you. And wait for someone to chase you. You’re more than worth it.

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