Category: faith

you can do hard things

You can do hard things. It’s a reminder I need for myself daily. I never expected my labor to be 18 hours. And I didn’t want an epidural. Some way, somehow—with the help of...

on being ready for the next season…

It was two days before I went into labor, though I didn’t know when I would. It was two days past my due date, and I was feeling desperate…⠀ Towards the end of my...

in the waiting

We wait for her. Much like I waited for him. In this very spot where he made a promise to me four years ago, we stand with the promise of this pregnancy.⠀ Pregnancy is...

What do we do with broken dreams?

My entire life I dreamt of being pregnant… ever since I was a little girl. This pregnancy has been a true gift from God. But in many ways this pregnancy has been a broken...

fleeting feelings vs. unchanging God

“I, the Lord, do not change.” – Malachi 3:6 My feelings change from day to day. From hour to hour. Even from minute to minute. Especially in pregnancy with all the hormones fluctuations. It...

when walking looks like waiting

“I will strengthen them in the Lord, and in his name they will walk,” declares the Lord. – Zechariah 10:12 I continue to read in the Old Testament about God bringing back His people–about...

today is going to be a great day

“Today is going to be a great day.” I’ve said it with a confident smile. I’ve said it through streaming tears. “Today is going to be a great day.” After listening to a podcast...

day one.

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you want to change, but you don’t know where to start? Like you want something more for your life, but you don’t know how to get there?⠀ Well...

new wine

I had plans to have it finished by now. Today exactly. Three years ago on June 21, after a week of intentional prayer, I heard God tell me that this was what I was...

on diving into trials with others

My sister slipped and fell into rushing waters. Panicked, her eyes met mine and in a split second I knew jumping in after her could be the end. And yet I knew I had...