Tagged: essential oils

my journey with essential oils

I remember when my sister introduced me to essential oils. She told me I had to get a starter kit and try them! And so I did. I was a little overwhelmed at first. What...

getting started with essential oils

There are 2 ways to get started with essential oils: Retail Customer pays full price ineligible for Young Living compensation plan + Essential Rewards program cannot purchase a starter kit Wholesale Member gets 24%...

everyone soap + lotion

I’m pretty much addicted to body lotion. And I love a good, fresh, citrusy body wash. But I hate that in most product lines for both there are tons of “hidden” chemicals, toxins, and...

how to get mold off wood table

Guys! I came home from five days in Texas with my fiancé to visit my family for Thanksgiving, and I came back to this! Mold! From a baby pumpkin! Gross. Not to mention, we just...