Well, it’s been quite a week. My parents came in town last weekend to help me move apartments. I love my new home here in LA and my new roomie, Karissa! I have also finally decided on an agent here! I feel like this is a new chapter in my life, and I am looking forward to the opportunities ahead!
I love the verse “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105) because while I have no idea what lies down the road of my life, I know the Lord will make clear the next couple of steps. If I just keep my focus on Him, He will make known to me the path He wants me to take. I don’t need to know what is at the end of the road… I just need to see a few steps in front of me so that I don’t stumble.
Writer and director Sofia Coppola said in a recent interview:
“To me, it wouldn’t be interesting to do a story about someone where they are at a point where everything’s smooth sailing, because that’s when you’re learning about yourself, when you’re going through a transition and you’re questioning things and looking at yourself.”
I feel like my life is in a constant state of transition lately. I am definitely learning more about myself each day and continually trying to become a better daughter, sister, friend, and actor. I am so thankful the Lord has given me the gift of being able to pursue a career as an actress. I never want to take that for granted!
On a rainy Sunday morning, my parents and I went to the Getty. Then just as we drove down to the Pacific Coast Highway and approached the ocean, the sun began to peek through the clouds. It’s moments like those when I feel most alive. I can feel God’s presence when I see His beautiful creation. It’s only a preview of the beauty we will see in Heaven. Until then, I’ll take all the sunsets and ocean views I can!
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again… I am so thankful for my beautiful, amazing parents. I so appreciate that they were able to come in town to help me move. I couldn’t have done it without them! It was crazy and hectic at times, but we also managed to have lots of fun, too. I am thankful for their constant guidance, friendship, and godly counsel as I grow up and navigate through this life.