stranded halfway across the country?


“My heart is in my hometown but my feet are in LA.” – La Vie

Have you ever felt as if God’s led you somewhere and then doubted yourself once you got there?

Have you longed for Him to truly “deliver” you to your destination and save you from what feels like wandering?

Have you felt as if He has led you halfway across the country only to leave you lost, alone, and stranded?

I know I have.

A little over five years ago I moved – literally halfway across the country. I felt God calling me to LA for some reason or another… what I thought was for acting has now been expanded to a potential to be used in acting, writing, and ministry.

I felt God so clearly open many doors making it evident in my mind and in my heart that LA is where He was calling me to be. And I have seen Him open so many doors in my time here that I never would have even imagined. So why have I doubted along the way?

Why have I ever thought this loving and gracious God would bring me halfway across the country just to leave me stranded, just to not use me to my full potential, just to have me stuck on the side of the road in the broken down car of my soul?

He would never do that.

This morning my mom sent me this video. I promptly cried.

“He’s not going to call you to something and then abandon you along the way.” – Clayton Jennings

Just as my loving parents didn’t allow me to move halfway across the country with no support, neither will God allow any of us to move – to step out beyond our comfort zone, to go where we feel Him calling us, to strive to be His hands and His feet – without providing for us exactly what we need, and often beyond that to what we want!

I have seen such evidence of this in many ways throughout my journey in LA, but most recently in Him providing a future husband for me! My sweet, godly, amazing boyfriend proposed to me this weekend. I know he will truly be the greatest support I could ever ask for in living for God’s Kingdom. And I never would have imagined I would meet a man like him anywhere – but in LA no less!

Not only that, but God has provided an amazing community from the very start of my time here that has only grown and become like family to me. He has faithfully provided in so many ways to make LA – the city where He brought me – my new home (though my heart will always be with Texas!)

Are you doubting God’s faithfulness in your life today? Are you doubting He is making a pathway for you?

Let’s move beyond our doubt and embrace our faith. Let’s stop trying so hard to make our own path and allow God to reveal it to us one step at a time. Let’s stop, listen, and rest in Him. And then when we hear from Him – and we will – let’s run, hard and fast in the direction He is calling, straight to the horizon where we hear His still small voice.

Sometimes He speaks in whispers and we have to slow down to hear them. Sometimes He might even call us to slow down just so we can see His beauty all around.

Stay faithful, my friend. Because He always will.

“I am making a roadway in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19

“The Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave or forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6

Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration, mom. I couldn’t have made it here and continue on this journey without you, dad, and our entire family. I love you! And thanks for my sweet Texas necklace, Liz. You are the greatest sister, and I think of you and home each time I put it on!

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