a first look at our maternity photos

I hadn’t been back there since he proposed. I wasn’t sure what it would look like after floods and fires. But as we trekked through a beaten path amidst overgrown weeds that even sprouted beauty, I knew it was going to be special.

We took photos in multiple spots around that most special spot where Clay proposed. And the backdrop couldn’t have been more beautiful. God really is the greatest artist. And I love the story He is writing with us.

After some floods and fires of our own, this season really is filled with such beauty. I’ll admit after miscarrying it has taken me a bit longer to truly embrace this pregnancy with confidence. But here in our third trimester with our baby girl moving around more than ever, I am overcome with awe at this tiny miracle growing inside of me.

As I looked out onto that ocean tonight, listening to the sounds of those waves coming in—wave after wave, I remember the waves of grief after our loss. I remember the way God spoke to me on the beach in the following weeks of healing. And I felt His power in that current, and immediately felt small and protected.

I love how He has protected this life. I love how He has protected our marriage. And I love how I can be confident He will continue to protect us through each day that comes. For He is as faithful as those waves. Wave after wave, His love never ceases.

Sarah snapped this on her phone, but I can’t wait to see all the other photos. I can’t wait to reflect even more on this night and of our story. And most of all I can’t wait to meet and hold and love this baby girl with all of my heart and soul and strength. And I can’t wait to tell her all the ways in which God so intricately writes our story—a story of which she is now a part, a story which reflects the greater Story He is telling.

photo: Apple Rose Photography

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