promised land pursuit

My husband and I were exercising in our home gym while our daughter napped one Sunday afternoon. And as I finished up my post-workout stretches, I suddenly found myself with tears rolling down my cheeks.

My husband asked if I was alright, and I told him, “I miss my freedom and flexibility.”

“Oh, you’re plenty flexible,” he joked, referring to the stretching. And while I couldn’t help but smile through the tears, there was a painful truth below the surface of my heart that was peeking out.

The truth is, I love being a mom, but I also miss the time I used to have for myself—to take care of myself, to rest, to do things that fueled me and filled me with life.

For a moment I looked back longingly on my pre-baby days, but I was quickly reminded of how the Israelites looked back longingly on their days in Egypt… in slavery. And I was convicted.

The Lord has set me free from waiting for a husband and a baby. He has delivered me to a wonderful place of freedom as a wife and a mom. And just as it was for the Israelites, it’s not always easy here. But just as it was so for the Israelites, I am en route to experiencing the fullness of His promised land living.

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