Tagged: holistic healing

my journey with essential oils

I remember when my sister introduced me to essential oils. She told me I had to get a starter kit and try them! And so I did. I was a little overwhelmed at first. What...

natural cold remedy

It’s that time of year. Everyone’s got a cold. And they are bound to give it to you. I was meeting people for wedding planning stuff last week, shook a woman’s hand, an hour later...

eat right for your blood type

I recommend everyone see a holistic doctor. It’s changed my life. However, if for some reason you are unable, do yourself a favor and find out your bloodtype. Then google “eating for your bloodtype”...

from the inside out

I took zyrtec every day for fifteen years. Pretty certain that can’t be healthy. Quite certain it wasn’t cheap. I tried to ween myself off for years, but each time my throat would itch like...

does your “clean” diet cause cancer?

This is a question everyone should ask… I didn’t know I even needed to ask it until my sister sent me this article entitled: “Watch out for this carcinogen in your organic food.” For me, particularly,...

sometimes you have to reach the bottom

As I mentioned in my decade of pain post, I had reached my wit’s end, I had reached my “rock bottom” when I finally found my way to a holistic doctor. Or should I...