Tagged: love

from overachiever to overwhelmed by God’s love

I’m a recovering overachiever. My whole life I have, for some reason, thought I had to earn, prove, and produce. (Of course this was unconscious.) I’ve believed the lie that I have to earn...

you are not a victim of your love story

You are not a victim of your love story. ⠀⠀ There is a misconception called “falling in love.”⠀ We don’t simply “fall in love”; we *choose* love. Because we choose who we enter into...

on God’s love for us

I learn a lot about God’s love through her. She hasn’t accomplished anything for me, and yet I love her deeply. She hasn’t proven anything to me, and yet I am so proud. I...

it’s a wonder

“With all of my heart, I’m racing, watch the pages…” This weekend I got to see a side of my husband I never have before. Well, I got to meet a group of friends...

more than a feeling

5.30.2015 We walk hand in hand down the sidewalk in my hometown. We’ve been dating a couple of months. He turns toward me when we get to the corner, pulls me close and dances...

A good Word.

A good Word. Convicting, though. Am I right? I originally wrote this verse out because it’s reference is the same as our wedding date — 4.23, April 23 — to remind me how I...

three years. first day of Spring.

Three years ago today, he knocked on my door, walked me to his car, and took me on what would be my last first date. He prayed over our meal, walked me down Third...

7 things I wish I knew before my wedding day

Our wedding day was magical–truly gorgeous, better than I dreamt–and yet there are things I wish I had known to do beforehand! The following is my gift to you, bride-to-be, to help you as you...

valentine’s day.

Today is Valentine’s Day. My Instagram feed is flooded with photos and videos of couples and gifts and flowers and all sorts of expressions of love. I’m sure yours is, too. And that’s great....

the work of marriage

“Study the lines in your face like roads on a map, leading me home. I’m gonna love you ‘til the stars and their ghosts fade to black, until time rots our bones, wrinkles our...