dry brushing

I’ve been on a wellness journey throughout recent years, and one of my favorite tools for improved health is dry brushing!


what is dry brushing?

Dry brushing is using a dry brush on your skin to stimulate your lymphatic system to help the body detoxify naturally. Dry brushing exfoliates the skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite and gives you a boost of energy!

I began dry brushing when I discovered that I had an MTHFR deficiency. And I must admit, after incorporating it into my morning routine I feel a true boost in my overall wellness.

how to dry brush

Start with the bottoms of your feet, always brushing toward your heart. Work your way up from your toes, brushing in a circular motions around joints.

Brush in a circular, clockwise motion around your belly button, and straight up toward your heart on your sides and back. Then move to  your arms.

Start at your fingertips working your way up your arms to your shoulders, with the final motions sweeping to your heart.

Viola! The whole routine should take just a few minutes.

I always dry brush just before showering to remove the dead skin cells. It’s best to jump in the shower when it’s cold for a few seconds before warming it up! I also always apply a natural body lotion afterwards to hydrate my skin.

get started!

Grab the dry brush I have here on Amazon. Or choose from many other great brands!

I personally don’t find it necessary to use the long handle. If you are pretty flexible in your shoulders and can reach your back easily, you could grab this even cheaper version without the handle!


Read more about dry brushing from Wellness Mama here.

As always, happy Wellness Wednesday, friends!

Be happy, be healthy, be whole.

Photos by Apple Rose Photography.

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