worth the wait
The right guy will wait for you—and even better, he’ll want to wait, too. I experienced the gamut of guys wanting things from me, trying to see how far I’d go, seeing if they...
The right guy will wait for you—and even better, he’ll want to wait, too. I experienced the gamut of guys wanting things from me, trying to see how far I’d go, seeing if they...
It’s messy. The whole does-he-like-me-does-he-not-like-me saga of singleness. The constant questioning of how much to put yourself out there vs. wait to be pursued. The getting-your-hopes-up-only-to-be-let-down-once-again. I’ll never forget the moment walking back down...
I was a 30-year-old virgin on my wedding day. It’s a fact the world would tell me to hide, but it’s a truth I long to proclaim–not in pride for my purity, but to...
“Oh, I’m ready. Never been so sure or quite so steady. I’m gonna live my life to keep the promises I made even though I make mistakes. I know I’m ready. I found a...
It is the song that plays through our engagement video. And it’s the song that’s been running through my head lately as I revel in life with this little miracle.⠀ 10 weeks: The day...
It was our wedding passage—one God had spoken to me the night we got engaged and one our pastor “happened” to surprise us with on that day. I had waited an awful long time...
It was two days before I went into labor, though I didn’t know when I would. It was two days past my due date, and I was feeling desperate…⠀ Towards the end of my...
We wait for her. Much like I waited for him. In this very spot where he made a promise to me four years ago, we stand with the promise of this pregnancy.⠀ Pregnancy is...
“I will strengthen them in the Lord, and in his name they will walk,” declares the Lord. – Zechariah 10:12 I continue to read in the Old Testament about God bringing back His people–about...
To all the boys who ever mistreated me. To all the boys who never gave me the time of day. To all the boys who only ever wanted to see what they could get...