how do you know?
“Oh, I’m ready. Never been so sure or quite so steady. I’m gonna live my life to keep the promises I made even though I make mistakes. I know I’m ready. I found a...
“Oh, I’m ready. Never been so sure or quite so steady. I’m gonna live my life to keep the promises I made even though I make mistakes. I know I’m ready. I found a...
“I had a dream so big and loud, I jumped so high I touched the clouds.” – American Authors⠀ I took this photo sitting on the dock of a pier over the Atlantic Ocean...
It is the song that plays through our engagement video. And it’s the song that’s been running through my head lately as I revel in life with this little miracle.⠀ 10 weeks: The day...
Yesterday we took Noelle to church for the very first time. And our pastor preached on Colossians 1:11-14 which begins: “May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious...
I wrote this post last Sunday… This morning as I nursed her, in the rocking chair in her nursery, in the dim light of the morning sun, her little fingers wrapped around my thumb...
“When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn’t a...
When I first got pregnant and started reading pregnancy books and articles, every single one of them talked about not using certain cleaning products or personal care products… and well, if I shouldn’t use...
It was our wedding passage—one God had spoken to me the night we got engaged and one our pastor “happened” to surprise us with on that day. I had waited an awful long time...
October 3. It’s a hard day. It’s the day we became parents. To babies we would never get to hold. It’s been quite a journey of healing over this last year. And I still...
You can do hard things. It’s a reminder I need for myself daily. I never expected my labor to be 18 hours. And I didn’t want an epidural. Some way, somehow—with the help of...