a prayer on the path
Dear God, Powerful Creator—the One who created me to do great things for your kingdom, Teach me your ways Let me walk in your will Fill my mind with your Word, my heart with...
Dear God, Powerful Creator—the One who created me to do great things for your kingdom, Teach me your ways Let me walk in your will Fill my mind with your Word, my heart with...
March 11, 2015. He walked me to the door. We stopped on the sidewalk and gazed up at those rarely bright Santa Monica stars. And he asked me to be his girlfriend. Three weeks...
Noelle and I got a lesson in rose bush pruning today. Well, she slept in the stroller while I eavesdropped on a park employee giving a training lesson to some other employees.⠀ I felt...
One year ago today we sat around the table, and I struggled to answer that question, “What are you thankful for?” I knew there was an endless list of things I could say, but...
“I had a dream so big and loud, I jumped so high I touched the clouds.” – American Authors⠀ I took this photo sitting on the dock of a pier over the Atlantic Ocean...
Yesterday we took Noelle to church for the very first time. And our pastor preached on Colossians 1:11-14 which begins: “May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious...
It was our wedding passage—one God had spoken to me the night we got engaged and one our pastor “happened” to surprise us with on that day. I had waited an awful long time...
You can do hard things. It’s a reminder I need for myself daily. I never expected my labor to be 18 hours. And I didn’t want an epidural. Some way, somehow—with the help of...
“I will strengthen them in the Lord, and in his name they will walk,” declares the Lord. – Zechariah 10:12 I continue to read in the Old Testament about God bringing back His people–about...
Have you ever felt stuck? Like you want to change, but you don’t know where to start? Like you want something more for your life, but you don’t know how to get there?⠀ Well...