little fingers
Her little fingers wrap ever so gently around mine.⠀ I inhale deeply and exhale as a wave of euphoria flows through my body.⠀ These moments—these still moments in the darkness of early morning, the...
Her little fingers wrap ever so gently around mine.⠀ I inhale deeply and exhale as a wave of euphoria flows through my body.⠀ These moments—these still moments in the darkness of early morning, the...
“And when God finally reveals His strange and mysterious ways, it will drop us to our knees in worship. We will thank Him for the prayers He did answer. We’ll also thank Him for...
Noelle.⠀ Mama. My first nickname for you.⠀ Noellie Ellie.⠀ My warrioress.⠀ My little monkey.⠀ No No.⠀ My squishy baby.⠀ Pookie Bear. Pook. My Pook.⠀ My sweet girl. ⠀ My little bambino.⠀ Of all the...
I learn a lot about God’s love through her. She hasn’t accomplished anything for me, and yet I love her deeply. She hasn’t proven anything to me, and yet I am so proud. I...
As I held her in the early hours of the morning, I thought to myself, “This is holy work.” I laid her down. She stirred and fussed. So I picked her back up and...
One year ago today we sat around the table, and I struggled to answer that question, “What are you thankful for?” I knew there was an endless list of things I could say, but...
I began writing this post months ago… . . . Ours is a small flicker of reflection of the greatest Redemption Story ever told. I love that I continue to find myself within the...
It is the song that plays through our engagement video. And it’s the song that’s been running through my head lately as I revel in life with this little miracle.⠀ 10 weeks: The day...
Yesterday we took Noelle to church for the very first time. And our pastor preached on Colossians 1:11-14 which begins: “May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious...
I wrote this post last Sunday… This morning as I nursed her, in the rocking chair in her nursery, in the dim light of the morning sun, her little fingers wrapped around my thumb...