Category: godly relationships

little threads

We drove down Santa Monica Blvd. We passed that crosswalk where I wept, sobbed, mourned that devastating first prenatal appointment/sonogram. I pointed it out to Clay. And he said, “Yeah, but this is also...

their first birthday

Clay awoke, came to sit beside me. I told him today was their due date, that they should be one. I didn’t expect the tears to flood the way they did.⠀⠀ We talked about...

10 lessons I learned from grief

I snapped this photo on a jog, weeks after my miscarriage when a sudden wave of guttural sadness washed over me. The loss of those two babies was the single deepest, darkest place of...

a letter to the mamas

a letter to the mamas To the mom-to-be, the one with a hopeful mama heart.⠀ At the beginning of the journey.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ To the mama with babies in Heaven.⠀ At the stop along the...

4 years of marriage reflections

Clay and I just celebrated four years of marriage on April 23! It’s been quite a journey. We’ve been to three different continents, lived in two different homes, and I’ve given him one quarantine...

expectation vs. reality

// 4 lessons I learned in marriage that apply to all of life // “I believe that much of the dissatisfaction we experience in marriage comes from expecting too much from it,” Gary Thomas,...

you are not a victim of your love story

You are not a victim of your love story. ⠀⠀ There is a misconception called “falling in love.”⠀ We don’t simply “fall in love”; we *choose* love. Because we choose who we enter into...

He is who He says He is

I stood in the shower and sobbed as the following words resounded in my mind: “He is who He says He is.” He carried me through that 18 hour labor and delivered me to...

little fingers

Her little fingers wrap ever so gently around mine.⠀ I inhale deeply and exhale as a wave of euphoria flows through my body.⠀ These moments—these still moments in the darkness of early morning, the...